Who’s the Boss? is an American sitcom television series created by Martin Cohan and Blake Hunter, which aired on ABC from September 20, 1984, to April 25, 1992. Produced by Hunter-Cohan Productions in association with Embassy Television (later Embassy Communications and ELP Communications) and Columbia Pictures Television, the series starred Tony Danza as Tony Micelli, a former major league baseball player who relocates to Fairfield, Connecticut, to work as a live-in housekeeper for a divorced advertising executive, played by Judith Light. Source: Wikipedia, Youtube
80’s Trivia Volume 1
Test your knowledge of the 1980’s with this Trivia Challenge. Visit our Youtube Channel to see more Trivia Challenges and more 1980’s memories.
Arcade Pac Man Play
A all-time classic arcade game PAC-MAN is a cultural icon whose popularity has crossed the globe for more than 40 years.
How Will I Know – Whitney Houston
“How Will I Know” is a song recorded by American singer Whitney Houston for her eponymous debut album released on November 22, 1985 by Arista Records as the album’s third single.
It’s My Life – Talk Talk
“It’s My Life” is a song by the English new wave band Talk Talk. Written by Mark Hollis and Tim Friese-Greene, it was the title track on the band’s second album and released as its first single in January 1984.
Risky Business Official Trailer 1983
Risky Business is a 1983 American teen sex comedy film written and directed by Paul Brickman (in his directorial debut) and starring Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay. The film covers themes including materialism, loss of innocence, coming of age, and capitalism.
Beetlejuice – Top Beetlejuice Scenes
Watch the Best Moments of ghoulish slapstick and gallows humor from Tim Burton’s iconic horror comedy classic, Beetlejuice.