St. Elsewhere is an American medical drama television series created by Joshua Brand and John Falsey, that originally ran on NBC from October 26, 1982, to May 25, 1988. The series stars Ed Flanders, Norman Lloyd and William Daniels as teaching doctors at an aging, rundown Boston hospital who give interns a promising future in making critical medical and life decisions. Source: Youtube
Jump – Van Halen
“Jump” is a song by American rock band Van Halen. It was released in December 1983 as the lead single from their album 1984. It is Van Halen’s most successful single, reaching number 1 on the US Billboard Hot 100.
Mount St. Helens Eruption
It was shortly after 8:30 a.m. on May 18, 1980 when Mount St. Helens erupted in Washington state. The eruption would quickly become the deadliest in U.S. history, killing 57 people. The destruction caused more than $1 billion in damage.
Die Hard 1988 Theatrical Trailer
The first theatrical trailer for the 1988 film “Die Hard.” Starring Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia, Reginald VelJohnson, Paul Gleason, William Atherton, Alan Rickman. Directed by John McTiernan.
Every Rose Has Its Thorn – Poison
“Every Rose Has Its Thorn” is a power ballad by American glam metal band Poison. It was released in October 1988 as the third single from Poison’s second album Open Up and Say… Ahh!.