Merlin (also known as Merlin The Electronic Wizard, stylized as MERLIN) is a handheld electronic game first made by Parker Brothers in 1978. The game was invented by former NASA employee Bob Doyle, his wife Holly, and brother-in-law Wendl Thomis. Merlin is notable as one of the earliest and most popular handheld games, selling over 5 million units during its initial run, as well as one of the most long-lived, remaining popular throughout the 1980s. A version of the game was re-released in 2004 by the Milton Bradley Company. Source: Wikipedia, Youtube
Beetlejuice Trailer – 1988
Beetlejuice is a 1988 American fantasy comedy film directed by Tim Burton, produced by the Geffen Company, and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.
Lite Brite commercial -1983
Lite-Brite is a toy that was originally marketed in 1967. It consists of a light box with small colored plastic pegs that fit into a panel and illuminate to create a lit picture.
Speak N’ Spell commercial 1980
The Speak & Spell line is a series of electronic hand-held child computers by Texas Instruments that consisted of a TMC0280 linear predictive coding speech synthesizer, a keyboard, and a receptor slot to receive one of a collection of ROM game library.
Super Mario 2 Commercial 1989
Super Mario is a platform game series created by Nintendo, featuring their mascot, Mario.