Married… with Children is an American television sitcom created by Michael G. Moye and Ron Leavitt for the Fox Broadcasting Company. Originally broadcast from April 5, 1987, to June 9, 1997, it is the longest-lasting live-action sitcom on Fox and the first to be broadcast in the network’s primetime slot. Source: Wikipedia, Youtube
Stripes Movie Trailer – 1981
Stripes is a 1981 American war comedy film directed by Ivan Reitman and starring Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Warren Oates, P. J. Soles, Sean Young, and John Candy.
Steve Martin Eating Dinner on The Tonight Show in 1980
On September 26, 1980, Steve Martin dropped by the Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Steve Martin always did something different/crazy when he…
Guess The 80s TV Show Theme Song!
Test your memory of 80’s TV Show Theme Songs. How many can you remember? The 1980’s – What a Decade.
Speak N’ Spell commercial 1980
The Speak & Spell line is a series of electronic hand-held child computers by Texas Instruments that consisted of a TMC0280 linear predictive coding speech synthesizer, a keyboard, and a receptor slot to receive one of a collection of ROM game library.