Hill Street Blues is an American serial police procedural television series that aired on NBC in prime-time from January 15, 1981, to May 12, 1987, for 146 episodes. The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city. The “blues” are the police officers in their blue uniforms. The show received critical acclaim and its production innovations influenced many subsequent dramatic television series produced in the United States and Canada. In its debut season, the series won eight Emmy Awards, a debut season record later surpassed only by The West Wing. The show received 98 Emmy nominations during its run. Source: Wikipedia, Youtube
Married with Children Theme Song
Married… with Children is an American television sitcom created by Michael G. Moye and Ron Leavitt for the Fox Broadcasting Company. Originally broadcast from April 5, 1987, to June 9, 1997, it is the longest-lasting live-action sitcom on Fox and the first to be broadcast in the network’s primetime slot.
Risky Business Official Trailer 1983
Risky Business is a 1983 American teen sex comedy film written and directed by Paul Brickman (in his directorial debut) and starring Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay. The film covers themes including materialism, loss of innocence, coming of age, and capitalism.
Lite Brite commercial -1983
Lite-Brite is a toy that was originally marketed in 1967. It consists of a light box with small colored plastic pegs that fit into a panel and illuminate to create a lit picture.