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Hill Street Blues is an American serial police procedural television series that aired on NBC in prime-time from January 15, 1981, to May 12, 1987, for 146 episodes. The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city. The “blues” are the police officers in their blue uniforms. The show received critical acclaim and its production innovations influenced many subsequent dramatic television series produced in the United States and Canada. In its debut season, the series won eight Emmy Awards, a debut season record later surpassed only by The West Wing. The show received 98 Emmy nominations during its run.  Source: Wikipedia, Youtube

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Best Pop Culture Moments of the 80’s

Best Pop Culture Moments of the 80’s

1980’s Pop Culture lives on. Enjoy this trip down memory lane. The 1980’s – What a Decade.

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